Vaccination Requirement and Upcoming Timesheets
Following the recent announcement regarding the requirement for all people to be double vaccinated by the 11th of October we are looking at ways to ensure that compliance is made as efficient as possible. As the current format for competition play and bookings is in groups of four anyone who is not double vaccinated will be unable to book in online during the allocated competition times.
To remain able to access your MiClub account you will need to present your vaccination certificate at either the Pro Shop or the Clubhouse. To save congestion you will be able to show your vaccination certificate anytime from Friday the 8th of October, to get your name marked off. Once it has been recorded by a staff member that a certificate has been sighted there will be no need to continually have to show it upon entry to the pro shop or golf course.
If you are not vaccinated or are still waiting to receive your second dose, then your MiClub account will be temporarily put on hold until either the second dose has been had or legislation regarding the requirements change. I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause however it is strictly instructed that the business has an obligation to show reasonable steps are taken to follow the Public Health Order.
During this period there will be a temporary account set up for those inactive to still be able to view booking sheets, upcoming events and information, and results. You will be unable to make bookings from this account. The details of this account are:
Username: 12345  
Password:  1234
Play for all those who are only single vaccinated or unvaccinated is still permitted however will need to be booked over the phone with the pro shop prior to arriving at the club to ensure availability. Play will only be permitted in groups of two for people in this situation. Competition availability will also be permitted at the discretion of the Pro Shop staff as this will be dictated by availability.
Timesheet for Saturday 16th October
Will open Wednesday 13th 7:30am.
Anyone who has not produced their certificate by this time or proof of a second dose vaccination appointment scheduled prior to Saturday the 16th of October will be unable to book. Those who produce proof of an appointment prior to Saturday the 16th will be required to show their vaccination certificate upon arrival for their tee time to be permitted to play.
Timesheet for Sunday 17th and Monday 18th October
Will open Thursday 14th 7:30am
Yours Sincerely
Adam Fitzgerald
Resort Manager