The Thurgoona Golf Committee is thrilled to announce that this year our Beyond Blue Day raised an incredible $8163. This entire total will be donated to Beyond Blue.
The committee would like to thank everyone of our members and visitors that supported the day through the purchase of Raffle tickets, novelty events, wristbands and Auctions. We are so proud of the golfing community for supporting the day.
We would like to thank our sponsors and prize donors for your support. Without your support this day could not be the success that it is. We would like to especially thank Michael and Tom Webb and their families for the Auction prize donated being a 12 x 6 trailer load of Redgum that was purchased for $810.
Attached is a copy of our supporters for the day and we ask all members where possible to support these businesses.
A list of the Raffle Winners has been placed in the breezeway outside of the pro shop.
Danial Huggard
Golfing Committee