Social Articles

With the improved conditions of the course due to the welcomed warmer weather, there will be no more preferred lies as of the 7th of October. Therefore, the ball must be played as it lies through the green. Under the […]

Vets 4 Person Dunmore 03.10.24

The committee wishes to advise all members that the grounds team have placed a couple of GUR’s on the course to assist with improving the playing quality of the surface. Limiting foot and cart traffic will improve both of these […]

Congratulations to the teams that pushed through the rainy weather last Wednesday in the second round.  The Stroke winners of the two rounds are: Jenny Garner and Donna Anstee The Nett Winners of the two rounds are: Kerrie O’Dwyer and […]

Thank you to all of the teams that took part in the 2024 The Scramble local qualifying event. We had a total of 136 players or 34 teams take part this year, meaning that the top 2 placed teams are […]


Course Update – RenovationsGreens:– Greens renovation is complete, with some light topdressing over the coming weeks to improverecovery.– Recovery has had minor setbacks, with greens being slightly softer due to the rain before aerating,causing scaring, and we have experienced some […]

Hi Members, Our ever-popular week of golf, Schweppes Classic is fast approaching. This year the Schweppes Classic is being played from Monday 14th October to Friday 18th October. Monday – 4BBB Stableford Tuesday – 2 Person Ambrose Wednesday – “Round […]

Vets Irish Stableford 19.9.2024

Once again, we have had an outstanding response for the upcoming Murray District Pennant Season. This year we will be fielding teams in The Division 1 Scratch, Masters and 2 teams in the Handicap. Thanks to all those who have […]