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Lavington Rotary Charity Day 2024

2024 Rotary Ambrose Draw

Vets 2 Person Dunmore 11.1.24

Vets Irish Stableford 21.12.23

Sunday Texas Scramble 17.12.2023

Attention members: The driving range will be closed Sunday the 17th of December 2023 from 7am -10:30pm for the Junior MiGolf Christmas Party.  Sorry for any inconvenience. 

The AGM for the T.C.C.R Golf Committee was held on Wednesday December 13th. An overwhelming amount of nominations were received for the committee and the 2024 committee is as follows   President – Danial Huggard Vice President – Peter Nugent […]

Furphy 54 Stableford Results

2023 Furphy Ambrose Draw