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Second hand golf cart for sale. Purchased in February 2021 contact Bill Davis 0417 259 252 for enquiries.

2021 MDGA Pennant Nominations Nominations are now being taken for the 2021 MDGA Pennant season which is scheduled to commence on October 10th 2021. Thurgoona will be looking to add to our recent pennant success and will be fielding 2 […]

Hi Everyone, Can everyone please be mindful to either bring their buckets to the Pro Shop after use or leave them at the driving range, as we are running extremely low. Please do not take them home.

Hi Members, Firstly we would like to thank you for your patience whilst we have had to navigate our way through the lockdowns and restrictions. In good news, we have been given the go ahead to get back to groups […]

Dear members, We have been in touch with Golf NSW and received the following advice in regards to an update for golf. This means we are not able to open the timesheets for next Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday tomorrow morning. […]

Dear Members, The Vets Kensington Gardens Tournament has been rescheduled until Monday 25th October & Tuesday 26th October. Kind Regards Pro Shop

Hi Everyone, Due to an anticipated announcement tomorrow, we are looking to open the timesheets from Friday morning. As we have been experiencing a very high volume of bookings we will be staggering the opening times to ensure fairness for […]

President’s Weekly Recap – September 5th 2021

Hi members, Carts will be allowed back on the course today. Just a reminder to avoid the low lying wet areas and to use the paths where you can. Regards Thurgoona Pro-Shop

Hi members, Most of the flooding his subsided over night and the course is open for play today.  As the course is still very wet and we are expecting more rain this morning, we will not be allowing carts on […]