Change to Tee Booking Days for Competition Golf


The golfing committee wishes to advise all competition golfers that the tee booking days for competition golf will be changing from Monday October 26th 2020. Booking days will be changing from 4 days prior to the competition to 6 days prior. All bookings will continue to open at 7.30am.


Please note the changes below


·       Saturday Competition – Bookings open Monday’s at 7.30am

·       Sunday Competition – Booking open Tuesday’s at 7.30am

·       Tuesday Competition – Bookings open Thursday’s at 7.30am

·       Wednesday Competition – Bookings open Friday’s at 7.30am

·       Thursday Competition – Bookings open Saturday’s at 7.30am


Effective as of Monday October 26th 2020

Danial Huggard

President – T.C.C.R Golfing Committee