Dear Members and Guests,

It’s with disappointment that I need to write this letter and provide photos of damage regarding acts of vandalism to greens, bunker damage from golf carts and theft of property. Whilst these individuals thought they were having a great time, the damage sustained to the course was significant and required greens staff to re-turf the areas involved, repair the bunkers and replace again ropes and stakes that had been stolen.

We have also seen theft from the property, with several flag sticks taken from holes, particularly around the back nine greens, along with rope and stakes from 13 tee areas for the third time within six weeks. Most recently, 17 green was significantly damaged two nights in a row with fireworks and as you can see in the photos, this caused major damage. Sodding has taken place to the worst affected areas, and hopefully, the rest of the site will recover in the next 4-6weeks.

Recent damage to bunkers is quite disappointing, given that this act of vandalism has been reported to have been caused by external golf carts. Therefore, we ask everyone who may own a golf cart or knows someone to please share this information as these acts of vandalism need to stop.

This damage affects all members and guests who enjoy playing the golf course. When you are playing, or on the golf course, I would ask all members to be diligent in reporting these types of behaviours to the Pro Shop/Club because we certainly don’t wish to continue to see such acts of vandalism and theft on our course.