Men’s 2020 Matchplay Championships
Congratulations to the players listed below who have qualified for the 2020 matchplay championships. Please find attached a copy of the matchplay draws and the conditions of play.
The first round of handicap matches must be completed by Sunday 15 November.
The first round of scratch graded matches must be completed by Sunday 22 November.
A Grade scratch
Liam Gransden
Martin Semmler
Simon Hoppe
Bryan Filliponi
Sam Bakes
Nathan Schneider
Zachary O’Collins
Alex Ahern

B Grade scratch
Russell Franz
Justin Lynch
David Robertson
Lachlan Mackinnon
Mark Wilesmith
Ryan Jenkins
Brendon Hocking
Peter Willcox

C Grade scratch
Russell Elliott
Matthew Cremin
Craig Cleary
Damien Linck
Ken Primmer
Alex Lord
Danny Cowan
Rodney Thomas

Handicap matchplay

Player and Nett score
Ken Primmer 210
Matthew Cremin 210
Simon Hoppe 212
Robert Ballard 213
Chad Thomson 213
Ryan Jenkins 213
Thomas Boyle 214
Russell Elliott 215
Peter Mannall 215
Bryan Filliponi 215
Craig Cleary 215
Jackson Payne 216
Russell Franz 216
Steven Edmunds 217
Justin Lynch 217
Mark Chandler 217